Submission Guidelines
Abstracts for paper presentation and posters at the conference are invited on the topics related to the conference themes and sub-themes.
Papers are invited from academicians, researchers, policymakers, child advocates, data collectors and others working in the field of child wellbeing. Abstracts for the papers are to be submitted by June 30, 2023. Guidelines for submission of abstracts are listed below. Contributors are expected to adhere to them strictly.
- The Abstract must be written only in English. The word limit for abstract is 600 words.
- Submissions must be made only through the abstract Submission Portal mentioned in the Website.
- All submissions should be original and should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication. Any form of plagiarism by the author(s) will lead to the disqualification of the manuscript for the purposes of publication.
- Every abstract must be accompanied by a cover page containing the name, affiliation and contact details of the author (s). In case of co-authorship, these details must be mentioned in the order of publication. The cover page should also contain details of the indicated theme and sub-theme. The aforementioned information must be provided ONLY on the cover page and must not appear elsewhere in the submission document.
- Submission of up to 2 (two) abstract per registration as the first author and presenter will be allowed, with no limitation on co-authorship.
- Some abstracts may be accepted for poster presentation rather than paper presentation. If the author(s) agree for poster presentation they may register for the conference.
- Abstracts must be submitted in a uniform format comprising of the following components:a. Thematic importance: the abstract should briefly discuss the relevance of the submission with the theme of conference;b. Introduction and objectives: the abstract should throw light on the central issue, objective(s) sought to be achieved , research questions and / or hypothesis;c. Method: the abstract must provide an explanation to the study design, description of the participants and sampling methods, procedures for data collection/ measures, and analytical and / or statistical approach;d. Results: the abstract should summarise findings;e. Conclusion and a Way Forward: the abstract must describe the outcomes of the study, the practice and policy implications and include suggestions for future research.
- The spelling and grammar must be carefully checked, as we all the specific nomenclature must be respected. The reviewers will evaluate the abstract on the following parameters:a. General coherence;b. Relevance;c. Methodology;d. Presentation of results;e. Adequate conclusion.
- Abstract can be submitted in only in English.
Panel Proposal Guidelines
Proposals for Panels at the conference are invited on the topics related to the conference themes and sub-themes.
Proposals for Panels may have up to 4 Panellists in addition to chair. Panel proposals must include the following:
- Thematic importance-The panel should be on the themes mentioned above or related topics. The proposal should clearly mention the importance of the theme of the Panel to this conference.
- Perspectives of the Panellists – The proposal should mention the position of the panellists on the topic.
- Possibility of Discussion- The possible issues in the topic that can generate interesting debates and discussions from diverse perspectives.
- Moderator- Questions that moderator will use to get the discussion going.
- Necessary Information- Panel proposals should include the name, affiliation, contact information and brief bio of the chair and the panellists.
- Word Limit- Panel proposals excluding the information about the panellists should not be more than 1000 words.
The reviewers will evaluate the panel proposals on the following parameters:
- Relevance for the conference
- The possibility of debate and discussion on the topics
- Background of the Panellists
- Different perspectives of the Panellists
Final Submission and Presentation Guidelines
- The paper must be original and free from plagiarism.
- It should be in English.
- The length of the full paper, including tables, diagrams, illustrations, references, etc. should be between 8000 to 10000 words.
- It should be submitted only through the submission portal.
- It should be accompanied by a cover page containing the name of the author(s), affiliation and contact details. Such details should not be written elsewhere.
- It should also contain details of the indicative theme or sub-theme of the Conference.
- The paper should be in (.doc) or (.docx) format.
- Font should be Times New Roman 12-point font with 1.5 line spacing.
- Footnotes shall be in Times New Roman 10-point font with single-line spacing.
- All citations should be placed in footnotes (and not endnotes) and shall conform to the APA style 7th Edition, 2022.
- Authors will get about 10 minutes to present their paper. Any number of authors can present the paper in the conference within the same duration.
These guidelines apply also to the papers submitted as part of the panels.
The authors will also be apprised of the results through e-mail. The annals of the Conference will be online and will be published on the event website. Each work will be entitled to 1 (one) certificate, including the name of all authors.
Submission and Registration
- Abstracts and panel proposal submissions must be made in pdf format only on or before [30/06/2023]. The Submission Portal for uploading them is Here
- Communication of acceptance of abstract will be made by [30/07/2023].
- Authors for papers and poster presentation who receive the acceptance have to pay the registration fee as per the Registration Guidelines.
- In case of more than one author of a paper, author(s) who will make the presentation in the conference must be specified. Author(s) making the presentation have to pay the fee as specified. Registration fee for co-author(s) attending or presenting in the conference is the same.
Important Deadlines
Last date for submission of abstracts and panel proposals |
[30/06/2023] |
Notification of acceptance of abstracts and panel proposals |
[30/07/2023] |
Last Date of Registration for Paper Presenters |
[10/10/2023] |
Last date for submission of full paper for the Conference |
[10/01/2024] |
Last date for submission of revised paper for publication |
[15/04/2024] |