Panel Proposal Guidelines
Proposals for Panels at the conference are invited on the topics related to the conference themes and sub-themes.
Proposals for Panels may have up to 4 Panellists in addition to chair. Panel proposals must include the following:
- a. Thematic importance-The panel should be on the themes mentioned above or related topics. The proposal should clearly mention the importance of the theme of the Panel to this conference.
- b. Perspectives of the Panellists – The proposal should mention the position of the panellists on the topic.
- c. Possibility of Discussion- The possible issues in the topic that can generate interesting debates and discussions from diverse perspectives.
- d. Moderator- Questions that moderator will use to get the discussion going.
- e. Necessary Information- Panel proposals should include the name, affiliation, contact information and brief bio of the chair and the panellists.
- f. Word Limit- Panel proposals excluding the information about the panellists should not be more than 1000 words.
The reviewers will evaluate the panel proposals on the following parameters:
- a. Relevance for the conference
- b. The possibility of debate and discussion on the topics
- c. Background of the Panellists
- d. Different perspectives of the Panellists